Questions of Gender and Transgenderism w/ guest Exulansic – EP066

Howard and Morgan start off the show discussing the anniversary Ireland’s long-standing smoking ban and the recent Puff Daddy/Sean Combs allegations, then at 29 minutes 30 seconds they’re joined by Exulansic for a conversation about her history with the transgender community, as well as the multiple dangers, both phyiscal and mental, of transgenderism.

Guest: Exulansic

TT Exulansic is a former trans-identified person with a storeyed past in academia and activism. She holds a Masters in Speech-Language Pathology and Early Childhood Language, and has worked in those fields. She also holds a Bachelors in Gender and Women’s Studies and a 2nd Major in Linguisitics. She’s also an autodidact with a powerful ability to retain and recall information, which has helped her in broadening her approach to her various fields of interest. After seeing the effects of transgenderism in her friends and fellow Feminists, she became outspoken on the harms of the practice, which we spoke to her about on the show.

Exulansic being a Feminist, we would naturally have some fundamental disagreements with her worldview, which is why we were very excited to talk to her, with a shared common concern as a jumping-off point.

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