
Bakhmut Falls – Who, What, Where, and Why – WWIII Prelude News 21/05/2023

I haven’t posted on this channel since the beginning of May as I’ve been busy with other projects and, on the 1st, declared the battle for Bakhmut all-but over. It took 2 weeks longer than I predicted for the final assault to be successful. Artyomovsk (Bakhmut) Falls – Who, What, Where, and Why After several Bakhmut Falls – Who, What, Where, and Why – WWIII Prelude News 21/05/2023

Orwellian Media Thinks You’re an Idiot – Are You?

Orwellian media lies

Admittedly, I’d have looked at’s reports of ambulance queues and Margaret Keenan being picked up from hospital by her children and took it at face value, and I’d consider myself to be more critical of the media than most.